Sunday, 9 November 2014

It's been a while!

Doesn't time fly! It's been an age since I posted on here.  I have however, been keeping up to date with my reading list.

So what has happened since I last posted? Not much got a job which I lost again, been on two holidays and trying to  get by without spending too much really.

My GD is 22 months old and well cute.

Don't you think?

I am still making jewellery and hoping to continue.


  1. wish I could see the pictures! keep uop the jewellery making [is this for xmas gifts or for selling??] hugs and blessings xx

  2. Hi Angela, sorry you can't see the pictures. I'm making them for gifts and selling.

  3. Replies
    1. Sorry I'll try and post them again tomorrow x
