Sunday, 25 July 2010

A week off

Well I have this week off - not a problem you would think.  However, I get paid on Thursday and until then I have a tenner.  I only have that as I have taken some money from my "nice things account".

Luckily I have an Ing account with 9 pots so far, they range from clothing account to emergency and come in handy.  I also have a holiday account and a car and Christmas account.

I took this week off to spend time with my daughter as she is 21 next Saturday.  I was going to take her to a Spa.  However, she decided to go travelling for a while and is in Australia.  I am pleased for her.  We will go to a Spa when she comes back.  She doesnt want a party.  Its difficult as her father and his mother and i dont get on.  I am not going to slag them off here but there is no way we would all go to a party well I would lets leave it there.

So this week I am going to the beach with my friend tomorrow, if it is nice, so will just need lunch.  Tuesday my friend is coming over for the day and we will just need some lunch.  Wednesday I plan to do a bit of housework and walk round from where I live at Baiter Park and perhaps sit there for a while with a book.  Thursday -  pay day whoop whoop. I am taking my step dad for an angiogram he is only 57 and the hospital think he has recently had a heart attack.  He has never ever been in hospital for himself so he is pretty anxious.  I refuse to be too sympathetic as it will make him worse.   I am staying the whole 5 hours just in case he needs me but I need to be strong for him! My sister thinks I am harsh!

The Friday my DH is off so we plan to go on a boat trip round Poole Harbour.  Saturday my sister is thirty and having a party am looking forward to it in the main but there is a little reason why I am a bit apprehensive but I am sure it will be great.  Then Sunday not sure what am doing then Monday back to the grindstone!..

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