Today is the date that I like to get to before putting the heating on and I have done it resisted temptation.
OH and I have a quilt for our sofa if we are cold, and we put on an extra layer if we are not on the sofa and feel the cold. I would love a handmade wool blanket made out of squares like my nan made me when I was small but I havent gotten around to it yet!
Whatever happens we never have the heating on in the bedroom, never felt the need, although over the last few years we have bought an electric blanket which goes on a moderate heat before we do into bed. If really cold or I want to be cosy I wear a thermal hug-me-tight.
We are going to my sisters on Saturday night for fireworks so we will have to wrap up then, Ill take my snood, maybe wear thermal undies and a hat and gloves. Brr I think its going to get real cold and we are down south!!
How do you all keep warm. Is your heating a small fortune?
we try and go all day then maybe put it on for a while at night